FAQ - EyeScribe - Virtual Scribes for Ophthalmology EMR

Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

The paramount requirement is exceptional conversational skills. At EyeScribe, we collaborate with clients seeking fluent, confident English speakers with minimal to no accent. We need people who are HARD WORKING, can multi-task, and are sharp and ready to learn. According to our data, individuals possessing these attributes have the highest rate of success in retaining a client and are hired almost instantly. While our HR Manager can refine other skills, we prioritize attitude and professionalism towards work. If you believe you possess these qualities, a promising future awaits you with us.

The recruitment process comprises five simple steps:

  • Complete and submit all application requirements.
  • Expect a call from our Recruitment Specialist.
  • Schedule an evaluation with our HR Manager.
  • Upon acceptance, receive a new contractor packet, including instructions for client endorsement.
  • Once hired, you will undergo our EyeScribe Training Program. You will be notified once the schedule is available.

I.T Requirments

  • Processors should be above 8th gen
  • RAM should be between 8-16GB. Should have SSD or NvMe for a better processing speed
  • Must use a LAN Connection or a dedicated Cat 6 Fiber Cable
  • The connection must be 100MPBS and above
  • Monitor should be 60Hz – refresh rate
  • Good wired headset with a microphone or ANC (Active Noise Cancellation) Airbuds, Anti Krisp headset or purchase Krisp.
  • The VA must be able to switch between their Main Internet to their Backup Internet within 2-minute period.

Our goal is to obtain the client first. Then match the client with the fully trained VA. Your training will be tailored to the role(s) you will be fulfilling. It will also be tailored towards the requirements and specifications of the client’s EMR, office systems, etc. This way, you will be ready to start working with the client immediately. This is NOT the generic training that other healthcare VAs provide. We promise to provide you with CUSTOM training for YOUR client so you are ready to work with them on Day 1.

We prioritize the following:

  • EXCELLENT English speaking with little to no accent
  • Fast Typing Skills >50 WPM
  • Hard Working with the dedication to learn and multitask
  • Strong primary AND backup internet, computer, and power

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    EyeScribe empowers Filipino medical professionals, making remote work truly fulfilling.

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